Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Found a great new blog!  I know that I am sure to learn something!  Can't wait to see what they post!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Whew - glad that is done

One kindergarten program with 60 K's each having their own line last week, one all-school Advent program this week, and one Christmas party today.  Wiped out but blessed to be spending my time with the people I love the most - my boys!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Prayers for Families

My prayers and heart are with the families in Connecticut.  As a teacher, my first thought was how I have told my little K's I would always protect them when we have had lockdown practice.  And I still would..

As a mom, all I can do is keep these families in my prayers.  And try to reassure my own kids that the world is full of good people...the people who worked at the school showed us that.  God please be with all of them.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Photos of my classroom

Walking in to my room

The front of my room
a shared closet - Kindergarten teachers have lots of stuff!

My bookshelf - I organize by theme for most books.  For science and math, I organize by topic.  I use labeled file folders to separate my books.

I teach in a Catholic school so we are able to share our love for God!

All of the great reading strategies found on the web!  Thanks to all of you creative teachers!

My back chalkboard is all about math!

A cozy reading area and our 5 Bee's!  Thanks Sarah!

This is what you see when you walk in.  Chairs and tables for my 30 kiddoes!

Saw it on Pottery Barn.  Had to make it.  Love it!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I am learning so much this summer.  Thanks to all of the wonderful teachers out there who are so willing to help me become a better Kindergarten teacher!